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  • Jellyfish, friend or foe?

    Ecology3 chapters

    Are we being invaded by swarms of stinging jellyfish? All around the world, worrying stories are circulating. While some specialists try to answer this difficult question, other scientists make incredible medical discoveries. Along this investigation, OCEAN71 Magazine realized they are much more than just stinging gelatinous creatures. Their unique abilities offer many opportunities for all of mankind.

  • a recreated ancient wreck near Marseille © Francis Le Guen

    Underwater archeology: a dive amid cops and robbers

    Culture4 chapters

    According to UNESCO, there are around 3 million shipwrecks that sleep peacefully at the bottom of our seas and oceans. With the second largest marine area in the world, France has decided to go to war against the plunder of the remaining wrecks. But is it even possible? For almost a year, OCEAN71 Magazine led a lengthy investigation that took us at the heart of the French authorities and the ocean looters.

  • Fear over Arcachon Bay

    Ecology, Economy4 chapters

    Every summer, the oysters’ consumption in Arcachon bay is threatened by the presence of a micro-seaweed, revealed by biological and chemical tests. The oyster farmers accuse theses analysis of not being entirely accurate. The real reason would be a much more dangerous pollution situation, mostly linked to human activities.