Surprise encounter with a basking shark in Brittany
In the evening of Wednesday, May 8th 2013, Philippe Henry, one of OCEAN71 Magazine’s photographers, was able to take a close look at a 3 meters long female basking shark. Philippe wasn’t far out at sea, he was at the anchorage in Sauzon’s port in Brittany!
High risks of fraudulent Bluefin tuna fishing in North Africa and the Middle East
The Atlantic Bluefin tuna is no longer endangered. Great news. But now is not the time to take our eye off the situation. Greed has a way of sneaking back in and the lucrative nature of the Bluefin tuna, makes the risk of fraud in the industry very high.
Thirty-ton whale found dead off Belle-Ile beach
The number of dead marine mammals washing up on beaches is on the rise, but at last the mystery is being unravelled…

YM Uranus – A good planetary alignment for Brittany
Ecology – 1 chapter
The chemical tanker, YM Uranus, was hit by the bulk freighter Hanjin Richzad at the tip of the Brittany coast. OCEAN71 Magazine journalists found the crippled ship while it was towed. Exclusive images.