Underwater archeology: a dive amid cops and robbers

Culture4 chapters

According to UNESCO, there are around 3 million shipwrecks that sleep peacefully at the bottom of our seas and oceans. With the second largest marine area in the world, France has decided to go to war against the plunder of the remaining wrecks. But is it even possible? For almost a year, OCEAN71 Magazine led a lengthy investigation that took us at the heart of the French authorities and the ocean looters.

Living underwater, dream or reality ?

Culture, Ecology3 chapters

In the 60s, a group of pioneers demonstrated that it was possible to live below the surface of the water. What remains of this technology today? Not much. Nonetheless, the dream hasn’t faded away. Regularly, various projects of underwater restaurants, hotels and museums are presented with computer animations. But not a single one of them sees the light of day. We investigated to unravel the reality behind the dream.