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  • The American Samoa enigma

    Ecology4 chapters

    It is now a known fact that corals are threatened by global warming. Some scientists are even predicting the end of coral life by 2050. Meanwhile, there is still a mystery to solve : how some corals in American Samoa have resisted centuries of climate change to become giants and how others are thriving in waters so warm that it is considered deadly ?

  • Gallery The ruins of Jazira Al Hamra © Philippe Henry / OCEAN71 Magazine

    Red Island’s mysterious village

    Culture, Economy1 chapter

    The United Arab Emirates is well known for its passion for extravagant skyscrapers and constructions, its exuberance and its financial power thanks to oil and gas. The emirs even try to conceal their relatively poor nomadic tribes’ history. Along the coast, we managed to find one of the last old villages of fishermen, abandoned. It is said to be haunted…

  • The end of the Great Barrier Reef ?

    Ecology, Economy3 chapters

    The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is known as one of Earth’s greatest natural wonders. Despite its size, its very existence is threatened by environmental, touristic, industrial and commercial aggressions. Will we allow its beauty to become a mere memory ? OCEAN71 Magazine investigates.