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    The seahorse’s secret

    Ecology, Economy1 chapter

    Oysters, the Arguin sandbank, the tides, many tourists visit the Arcachon bay ignoring that this unique biological maritime space hosts one of the most mysterious creatures of the sea : the seahorse. Almost extinct a decade ago, the bay is pride to have today the highest concentration of seahorses in France.

  • The Sargasso Conquest

    Ecology5 chapters

    What on earth is this strange sea, that doesn’t have a shoreline, and has intrigued most navigators that have sailed through its waters? Christopher Columbus was the first to cross it on his way to America. The Sargasso Sea, that stretches in the North Atlantic, is a calm, windless and waveless zone, often hard to get through. Its name comes from the floating seaweed that covers the water like a carpet. OCEAN71 takes you on a journey to discover this strange surface that has been puzzling many people through the centuries.

  • The Antarctic krill new predators

    Ecology, Economy5 chapters

    The Antarctic krill is the largest biomass on earth. For most of the animals living on the white continent, krill is a key prey item. But for the past five years, new hunters have appeared. A dozen of factory fishing vessels travel to the far side of the planet to quietly capture what could become one day a gold mine.