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  • Procida, pearl of the Med

    Culture, Economy3 chapters

    Although Capri and Ischia islands are its closest neighbours, little Procida is an exception. Nested in a small blue corner of the Mediterranean sea near Naples, this beautiful rock could have mimic all the others by living thanks to mass tourism revenue. But for Procida, the story is entirely different.

  • Fear over Arcachon Bay

    Ecology, Economy4 chapters

    Every summer, the oysters’ consumption in Arcachon bay is threatened by the presence of a micro-seaweed, revealed by biological and chemical tests. The oyster farmers accuse theses analysis of not being entirely accurate. The real reason would be a much more dangerous pollution situation, mostly linked to human activities.

  • The Antarctic krill new predators

    Ecology, Economy5 chapters

    The Antarctic krill is the largest biomass on earth. For most of the animals living on the white continent, krill is a key prey item. But for the past five years, new hunters have appeared. A dozen of factory fishing vessels travel to the far side of the planet to quietly capture what could become one day a gold mine.